Friday, February 24, 2012

Social Studies Update

Hi all!

Here's the latest from Social Studies Land...

This week we analyzed the famous Langston Hughes poem, "Let America Be America Again", read on in The Truth About Sparrows, and began watching certain sections of the film, Iron Jawed Angels, which is about the life of Alice Paul and her work towards achieving women's suffrage in the U.S. Prior to watching the film we reviewed the key figures and events portrayed in the movie; while students are watching they are recording important information such as, "On what issues did suffragettes disagree WITH EACH OTHER?" And, "List at least 5 different forms of protest the suffragettes used to try to win women's suffrage." Next week we will learn about the "Scopes Monkey Trial" and review the Labor Movement, Women's Suffrage, Prohibition, and the Harlem Renaissance for our DDI quiz on Thursday.

This week we learned about McCarthyism by examining both primary and secondary sources about the topic. Students watched primary source footage of the rebuttle to McCarthy ("... Have you no decency, sir? At long last, have you no decency?...") in the House and read the letter from playwright Lillian Hellman to the House Un-American Activities Committee. Today 8th grade students did a Listen-and-Draw activity while I read aloud to them from one of our three textbooks. Next week we will discuss the concept of "The Fourth Estate", and have a guest speaker to discuss how she was impacted by McCarthyism. Wednesday and Thursday will be taken up by DDI, and Friday I promised the kids we'd have a light-hearted lesson about the 1950s; we'll watch more anti-Soviet propaganda films (which the kids love) from the 50s, listen to music, and maybe even have an impromptu "Sock Hop" :)

Both grade levels have continued researching about the country of their choosing in Computers class; so far they have used sources such as the CIA World Factbook, the BBC's Country Profiles, UNESCO, and The World Bank. Research topics have so far included: Business/Economy, Transportation, Society & People, Environment, and Science, Technology & Communications. Upcoming research topics will include Education, Recreation, and Religion & Culture.

All of my students have DDI Study Guides and Quia study games available to them to prepare for their graded DDI quiz next Thursday, March 1st.

Please remember that I continue to post homework and due dates on my class Twitter account (@MsHoodsHoodlums).

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or constructive feedback.

Ms. Hood